TriOS Alkor frame. Credit Krista Alikas

Two support measures are provided to the Ocean Colour (OC) community by the European Commission Copernicus Programme in the framework of the FRM4SOC-2 project.

The application period has ended.

Opprotunity to apply for the 

  1. free short-term use of an in situ above-water radiometric OC measurement system, and
  2. free calibration of your own OC radiometer set.


The FRM4SOC-2 project (Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour Phase 2), funded by the European Commission as a part of the Copernicus Programme and implemented by EUMETSAT, was launched in April 2021 with the aim of developing an operational and sustained network of radiometric in situ measurements and achieving a fiducial reference measurement (FRM) standard as defined by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). The goal is to ensure in situ measurements of the highest quality for satellite product validation and algorithm development. The project activities strive to support the OC community by developing practical guidelines for calibration, characterisation, and use of radiometric instruments, as well as in-field measurement procedures, evaluation of measurement uncertainties, and conducting comparison measurements. In 2022, the FRM4SOC-2 project workshop recommended, inter alia, creating a pool of calibrated and characterised radiometric sensors available for rent to the OC community and providing some Copernicus-supported free calibrations of OC radiometers. Such an instrument pool and calibration opportunity have been established as a part of the FRM4SOC-2 project activities.

1. Short-term loan of an in situ above-water radiometric OC measurement system

A complete, fully operational, calibrated and characterised radiometric system for in-situ above-water OC measurements is available for a short-term loan to the OC community via the FRM4SOC-2 project activities. The system is intended to support collecting quality OC data in dedicated measurement campaigns.

Description of the system

The system consists of three above-water TriOS Ramses radiometers (1 irradiance, 2 radiance), a connector box, a computer with installed software, cables, mounting brackets, and other accessories, guides and documents for prompt deployment of the system. The system is calibrated and fully characterised in accordance with the FRM guidelines.


All research groups performing in situ measurements of OC radiometry around the world are encouraged to apply.

  • The Copernicus Programme will support the short-term loan of the OC measurement system for two applicants.
  • Priority (not exclusive) will be given to applicants affiliated with institutions from Copernicus-contributing countries.
  • Applications related to participation in dedicated (especially bio-optical) field campaigns to provide FRM will be prioritised (not exclusive).
  • The system will be available for use for a two-month period from June 2024 to the end of the season 2024.
  • The selected applicants must process the collected data by using the HyperCP community processor and make the raw and processed data publicly available via the Copernicus Ocean Colour In-situ database (OCDB). (DOI reference available.)
  • When publishing the collected data and results, reference must be made to the Copernicus Programme and the FRM4SOC-2 project.
  • The selected applicants shall cover all costs for shipping and customs.

How to apply

The application shall contain a description of the

  • background profile of the applicant (previous and current studies, references to past, ongoing, and planned projects and campaigns),
  • previous experience working with above-water OC radiometer systems in general and specifically with TriOS Ramses systems,
  • motivation and purpose of using the loaned system (description of the related projects and campaigns, planned activities and measurements),
  • expected time and duration of using the system.

Application form for Short-term loan of an in situ above-water radiometric OC measurement system – Submit here –

Deadline for applications was 14.06.2024.

2. Calibration of your own OC radiometer set

Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu will provide absolute radiometric calibration for four sets (á 3 radiometes a set) of OC radiometers in accordance with the FRM guidelines published at As a result, the calibration files will be provided in the original manufacturer, as well as the FRM4SOC-2 format (compatible with the HyperCP community processor). The calibration includes uncertainty estimates of the response factors and is accredited as compliant with the ISO 17025:2017 standard. 


All research groups performing in situ measurements of OC radiometry around the world are encouraged to apply.

  • The Copernicus Programme will support the free calibration of a set of either TriOS Ramses or Sea-Bird Scientific HyperOCR radiometers (1 irradiance, 2 radiance) for four applicants.
  • Priority (not exclusive) will be given to applicants affiliated with institutions from Copernicus-contributing countries.
  • Applications related to participation in dedicated (especially bio-optical) field campaigns to provide FRM will be prioritised (not exclusive).
  • The calibration of the radiometers can be performed by the end of the summer season of 2025.
  • The original manufacturer-provided calibration files for your radiometers must be available for the initial configuration of the calibration setup.
  • The new calibration files for your radiometers will be uploaded to the public FidRadDB database.
  • The data collected with the provided calibration during its validity period (1 year) in the planned campaigns, as indicated in your application, must be processed with the HyperCP community processor. The processed data, along with its raw source, must be uploaded and published in the Copernicus Ocean Colour In-situ database (OCDB). (DOI reference available.)
  • When publishing the collected data and results, reference must be made to the Copernicus Programme and the FRM4SOC-2 project.
  • The selected applicants shall cover all costs for shipping and customs.

 How to apply

The application shall contain a description of the

  • background profile of the applicant (previous and current studies, references to past, ongoing, and planned projects and campaigns),
  • motivation and purpose of calibration (description of the related projects and campaigns, planned activities and measurements),
  • expected time of the calibration.

Application form for free calibration of your OC radiometer set – Submit here –

Deadline for applications was 14.06.2024.


The Executive Committee

  • Dr Riho Vendt - Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Dr Giuseppe Zibordi - EOScience, Italy
  • Dr Juan Ignacio Gossn - EUMETSAT - European Agency for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
  • Dr Ewa Kwiatkowska - EUMETSAT - European Agency for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites

In case of any questions please contact