Calibration of radiometers prior to the FRM4SOC phase-2 comparison at the AAOT
In preparation for the FRM4SOC Phase-2 radiometric inter-comparison at the AAOT tower in the Gulf of Venice from 10-20 July 2022, we need to calibrate your radiometers. Information and key dates for this are provided below.

Your radiometers need to arrive at Tartu Observatory before 15 May 2022.
If you do not meet this date, your radiometers will not meet the necessary requirement to participate in the FRM4SOC AAOT inter-comparison. The calibration files will be sent to you prior to 01.07.2022 for the inter-comparison and are to be used in any subsequent work up of the inter-comparison data. The FRM4SOC Project will pay for the shipping of your radiometers to Tartu Observatory, Estonia.
Address to ship your radiometers for calibration:
Tartu Observatory
University of Tartu,
Observatooriumi 1,
EE-61602 Tõravere,
tel + 372 737 4511
Participants outside EU need to arrange the ATA Carnet (temporary customs export/import documentation) for the shipment.
Your radiometers will then be shipped directly from Tartu Observatory to ISMAR in Venice
CNR-ISMAR Istituto di Science Marine
del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Tesa 104 – Arsenale,
Castello 2737/F,
30122 Venezia,
Contact – Angela Pomaro (c/o Mauro Bastianini)
You will be responsible for shipping your radiometers from the AAOT back to your home institute at the end of the inter-comparison on 20 July 2022.
You will provide your own insurance to cover you and your equipment. Please send your insurance documents, for both personnel and equipment, to Angela Pomaro ( at CNR-ISMAR.
Support for shipping costs
In case you may need support for the shipping costs, please contact Gavin Tilstone Limited support is available within the overall project budget.