ACRI-ST is an independent SME of the Space sector supplier of space agencies in all phases of Earth Observation missions, specialised in the prototyping and engineering of EO data processors, data quality check systems, end-to-end and sensors’ simulations, data processing, archiving and distribution with a major focus on Cal/Val based on its dual skills: thorough knowledge of satellite missions and deep understanding of the physical phenomena applied to environmental issues (ocean, atmosphere and land modelling, numerical fluid dynamics, geophysics …).  ACRI-ST has also a strong background in Research and Development activities related to numerical modelling and simulation combined with engineering capabilities for the specification, development and validation of data processing of Earth Observation systems: collaborative exploitation platforms, end to end simulators, instrument simulators, ground processing prototypes and operational instrument processing facilities. In the Copernicus era, ACRI-ST is a Services provider: leader and operator of mission performance centres, archiving services, and data processing services in the frame of payload data ground segments; Service provider in the frame Copernicus services, satellite and ground-based data provider.
ACRI-ST facilities include modern offices, meeting rooms and teleconference facilities. ACRI-ST’s Information Technology department will provide all the resources necessary to complete scientific software development activities of Task 7 (virtual machines, data storage, internet access).
ACRI-ST is using gitlab for its internal software configuration management.

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